American Indian Reservations & ITU Health Facilities
American Indian Reservations & ITU Health Facilities # I nd iaH elth S rv cA O f #* I nd i aH el th S rvcF y (N jo A ) #* I nd i aH el t hS rv cF y (P o x A ) #* Indian Health Service Facility (Tucson Area) #* Tribally-Operated 638 Facility #* Urban Indian Health Program!H Cities and Towns State Highway System County Boundaries # #* # #*w# k ... Access Document
EPA Policy For The Administration Of Environmental Programs ...
EPA Policy for the Administration of Environmental Programs on Indian Reservations Author: US EPA, OITA, American Indian Environmental Office Subject: The President published a Federal Indian Policy on January 24, 1983, supporting the primary role of Tribal Governments in matters affecting American Indian reservations. ... Content Retrieval
Official Guide To Native American Communities In Wisconsin
Official guide to Native American communities in Wisconsin. 1 Hello! Tribal art, traditions and culture are significant parts of both Indian and non-Indian communities in the State, making Wisconsin a remarkable place to explore the history Indian Reservations ... Return Document
Housing Of American Indians On Reservations
Percent of American Indian households on reservations who lacked selected amenities, by reservation with 500 or more American Indian households: 1990 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS STATISTICAL BRIEF April 1995 reservations (those with 500 or more American Indian house-holds). On one hand was the Navajo Reservation and Trust Lands, AZ-NM-UT, where ... Get Content Here
Standing Rock Indian Reservation - Wikipedia
The Standing Rock Indian Reservation (Lakota: 1877) officially annexed Sioux land and permanently established Native American reservations. Under the Agreement of 1877 the U.S. government took the Black Hills from the Sioux Nation. ... Read Article
American Indian Reservations: The First Underclass Areas?
American Indian reservations: The first underclass areas? by Gary D. Sandefur the reservation and central-city settings, this would suggest that the sources of underclass problems lie not so much in the special features of the central city, but in other factors, Gary D. Sandefur is a professor of social work and sociol- ... Content Retrieval
UNEMPLOYMENT ON INDIAN RESERVATIONS AT 50 PERCENT: THE URGENT NEED TO CREATE JOBS IN INDIAN COUNTRY THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2010 U.S. SENATE, COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS, Washington, DC. The Committee met, pursuant to notice, at 2:48 p.m. in room 628, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Hon. Byron L. Dorgan, Chairman of the Committee, presiding. ... Fetch Doc
Have you or others you know been impacted by the shutdown? Here’s how readers responded. Most of the island is a national wildlife refuge (Parker River National Wildlife Refuge). Rangers were ... Read News
Native American Population In North Dakota
American population . The majority of the American Indians reside on one of five reservations within North Dakota’s boundaries. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Top 5 in the Nation: North Dakota is one of just a handful of states that have more than five percent American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) population. Ahead of North Dakota are Alaska at 12.9%, ... Access Doc
Indian Tribes In Idaho
Indian Tribes in Idaho Five Indian reservations in the State of Idaho are home to 26,745 American Indians alone or in any racial combina - authority over Indian reservations without the consent of the affected tribe. The Indian Self-Determination ... Doc Viewer
Native American tribes, and their subordinate tribal entities, do not follow the established business entity template. Tribes may be organized under different sections of federal law and may form subordinate entities, CONSTRUCTION ON INDIAN RESERVATIONS: ... View Doc
North dakota statewide housing needs assessment: 2004 94 profiles - native american indian reservations figure 1. median value of all owner-occupied housing units, 2000 table 9. value of all owner-occupied housing units, 2000 area owner-occupied housing units by value ... Access Document
American Indian Reservations (Federal): 2010 - Census
Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Reservation and Off-Reservation Trust Land ... Return Doc
Thousands Of Native Americans Are Being Kicked Out Of Tribes ...
Thousands of Native American Indians are illegally being kicked off reservations and kicked out of tribes all over the US! ... View Video
Developing An Effective Approach To Strategic Planning For ...
Developing an Effective Approach to Strategic Planning for Native American Indian Reservations NICHOLAS CHRISTOS ZAFERATOS [Paper first received, November 2003; in final form, January 2003] Abstract. This article proposes an approach to Native American Indian reser-vation planning that aligns a tribe’s community development objectives with ... Retrieve Document
Legislation Would Allow Tribes To Collect State Taxes | Merced Sun-Star
Legislation filed by Republican and Democratic leaders sets the framework for American Indian tribes in North Dakota to levy state taxes. ... Read News
5 Native American Funding Facts -
Reservations to make housing payments to the BIA. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has also funded some Native housing and home repairs. Still, according to the National American Indian Housing Council, some 90,000 American Indian families are homeless or under-housed, and 40% of on-reservation housing is inadequate. ... Read More
Terms Native American and Indian interchangeably. 3 See Part III for a more detailed discussion of the economic status of Native Americans in the United States. 4 Indian country generally includes formal and informal reservations, dependent Indian communities, and Indian allotments. See, e.g., Oklahoma Tax Comm’n v. Sac & Fox Nation, 508 U.S. ... Fetch Here
The American Indian And Alaska Native Population: 2000
American Indian and Alaska Native in addi-tion to 1.6 million peo-ple, or 0.6 percent, who reported American Indian and Alaska Native as well as one or more other races. The term American Indian is often used in the text of this report to refer to the American Indian and Alaska Native population, while American Indian and Alaska Native is used ... Document Viewer
Policing On American Indian Reservations - NCJRS
Indian nations in the continental United States. Indian nations exhibit an exceptionally wide variety of social and economic characteristics. One important additional type of variation is the substantial cultural diversity found among American Indian communi-ties. While “American Indian” is a single race catego- ... Retrieve Full Source
Can Congress Void A Tribal Treaty Without Telling Anyone?
Herrera v. Wyoming, an Indian treaty-rights case argued in the Supreme Court last Tuesday, revolves around a basic of federal Indian law: No promise to Indian people actually binds the United ... Read News
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Drive Bye Photography - YouTube
The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Wazí Aháŋhaŋ Oyáŋke in Lakota Pine Ridge is the site of several events that marked tragic milestones in the history between the Sioux of the area and the ... View Video
American Indians And Crime: A BJS Statistical Profile, 1992-2002
Bureau of Justice Statistics A BJS Statistical Profile, 1992-2002 American Indians and Crime imi i l 0 of the American Indian/Alaska Victimization Survey 32 Native Affairs in the Office of Southern Ute Indian (SUI) Reservation ... Fetch Content
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